2023-05-17 17:03:49
牌號 | EFeCr-A6 |
W74016 | |
對應標準 | AWS A5.13/A5.13M-2010
堆焊焊條規(guī)范 保護金屬電弧焊 Specification for Surfacing Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding |
歸類 | 合金鋼 |
標簽 | 鐵基堆焊焊條 |
說明 | Characteristics. These are a higher carbon version of EFeCr-A5 electrodes. The deposit contains hexagonal chromium carbides in an austenitic carbide matrix and has a hardness of 50–60 HRC. Deposits develop stress-relief checks. The addition of molybdenum increases wear resistance to high stress abrasion. The weld metal may be applied on carbon, alloy, or austenitic manganese steel base metal. Applications. Weld metal is frequently used for applications involving low stress abrasive wear combined with moderate impact. |